【TALKING EVENT】Islamicate Tea Ceremony: on the Chrysanthemum Festival
Tokyo Camii Institute will have a talking event by Dr. Naoki Yamamoto, who has been serving as a navigator of the “Islamic Classic Book Club” since the beginning. Including a tea ceremony demonstration, Dr. Yamamoto will discuss the cultural similarities between Muslims and Japanese and how to understand their spirituality and artistry.
Date: September 9 (Sat) 13:00~
Place: Tokyo Camii 1F Multipurpose Hall
Fee: 1,000JPY (with tea & sweets)
To Join: https://linktr.ee/tokyocamii
On the event day, Dr. Yamamoto’s new book “スーフィズムとは何か イスラーム神秘主義の修行道 (Shueisha Shinsho)” will be on sale at the venue. Please take a look at it and see the details.
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