
[November 2024] Call for Participation – 2nd Annual Symposium by Tokyo Camii Institute

[November 2024] Call for Participation – 2nd Annual Symposium by Tokyo Camii Institute
Call for Participation

Following the success of the first symposium, we have decided to hold the second symposium at the Tokyo Camii Institute. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all involved parties for their cooperation and the positive feedback from the participants, and we look forward to welcoming you with even more fulfilling content than last time. The theme, details, and call for participants for the second symposium are as follows.


1. Overview
2. Detail
3. Application Method
4. Collaboration
5. Inquiry


1. Overview
2nd Annual Symposium by Tokyo Camii Institute – “Empire and Islam”
Date: November 1. 2024 ~ November 3. 2024
Place: Tokyo Camii & Diyanet Turkish Culture Center
Oyama-cho 1-19, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Central Theme: “Empire and Islam”
Outline: When we ponder the concept of an ’empire,’ we often envision a vast organization or system that governs diverse peoples and territories, expanding its influence. These historical entities, spanning various regions, have left an indelible mark on our collective memory. Additionally, we can’t overlook the ’empires’ that have emerged in modern times, such as those born out of colonialism.

The second symposium will consider the activities of people under ’empires,’ such as politics, economy, art, culture, coexistence, and exchange. We would like to focus on the intersection of Islam and ’empire’ from the past to the present and pursue the following issues with the participants. Your unique perspectives and insights are invaluable to us, and we look forward to your active participation in the discussions.


2. Detail
1. Ottoman Empire
2. Islam and governance
3. “JAPAN × ISLAM in Türkiye”
*Following the last symposium’s subtheme, “Japan x Islam,” which attracted a lot of attention, this year, 2024, we have set up a subtheme (3) in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Türkiye.

Presentation Types:
Poster presentation by High school students
High school students are invited to poster presentations. We’ll accept group presentations as well as individual. The size of the poster and method of presentation will be informed to the accepted presenter.
Requirements: All poster presenters must be available live, in person, during November 1-3, 2024, to answer questions and share their work with visitors. Please use Japanese or English for your presentation.
Participation fee: Free of charge

Oral presentation by Undergraduate, graduate, and researchers
The speaker will be given 20 minutes to talk. After the talk, you can use discussion space for Q&A/interactive exercise. If it is your own research, you can present it at this conference even if it has already been published elsewhere. (Please check the copyrights of published papers, etc., by yourself.)
Requirements: All oral presenters must be available on a scheduled day between November 1-3, 2024, to attend the event/present live, in in-person. Please use Japanese or English for your presentation.
Participation fee: Undergraduate-1000JPY, Graduate~Reserchers-2000JPY. Payment method will be informed to the accepted presenter.


3. Application Method
If you would like to participate as a presenter, please fill out the application form below and submit it by email. NOW ACCEPTING
1 Your Name
2 Your mail address
3 Affiliation and grade
4 Subtheme number and title (we accept working titles)
5 abstract of your presentation: About 800 Japanese characters / or about 400 English words

Based on the submitted abstract, our symposium committee will decide on acceptance/rejection and reply to you.

application Form Download word Download pdf


4. Collaboration
If you would like to collaborate, please let us know by e-mail the name of the representative, the affiliation, and the theme you plan to present. Please note that we may ask for adjust, or else we will not be able to accept due to the limited venue space and equipment.


Tokyo Camii Institute – Symposium Secretariat
151-0065 3F, Oyama-cho 1-19, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
E-mail: institute@tokyocamii.org
